receding hairline

It's a no-brainer that a receding hairline does not only banish your sexy appeal but can pose some serious
emotional distress. Whether male or female, the thought of losing hair is a worrisome one. To many, it feels
like the end of the world. And rightly so, because, we link youth and attractiveness to our hair.

Honestly, it takes a lot of chuptzah to deal with a receding hairline. The victims approach the issue in

various ways. For men,once it reaches certain extent, sometimes they find no need to fight the inevitable. No
need to go for all the dorky patchwork measures to try to regrow or hide it. The usual norm is to take the
plunge,shave it off and go for a bold,captivating look. For women, well, this is one hot issue, which should be
fodder for another blog post. But, it is not all doom and gloom, below are some approaches to dealing with
this malaise.

1.) Eat a nutritious diet

Yeah, the devil is in the details. Or should I say, in the diet. Unhealthy hair is mostly attributed to poor diet.
Incorporate lots of proteins into your daily diet regimen. Build strong hair by taking proteins since proteins are
body building foods. Eats lots of fish, take protein supplements. Vitamin D is also very essential. Throw in
some multivitamins into the mix as well. Avoid refined foods as they will accelerate hair loss. Opt for a
wholesome diet.

2.) Minimize stress

This cannot be overstated enough. There are lot of ways out there to achieve this. Practice relaxation
techniques. Meditate. Do yoga. Go out for nature walks. Breathe deeply. Be composed. Try to be humorous.
In short, try to live in the present and avoid subjecting yourself to too much pressure.

3.) Adopt a new hairstyle

There are a myriad of nice hair cuts options out there that you can adopt to camouflage your thinning
hairline. Knock yourself out, do some research, it's a Google search away. Generally, the key trick is to cut it
low, as it makes it difficult to observe that receding hairline

4.) Don't overclean

It is almost counterintuitive to overwash once you start observing a thinning hairline. But, brushing already
damaged hair follicles is obviously a recipe for more disaster. Avoid the temptation of your trusty bristles and
just do only some few strokes on the hair and leave it at that.

5.) Go slow on hair products

Due to the relaxed marketing policies, most companies selling hair products get away by offering ineffective
products with zero results. Once in a while some miracles happen to some people and they recover the lost
hair but the truth is that this is not always guaranteed to everyone. So take time to review the products as you
don't want to worsen an already challenging situation. Then hope for the best. You might be the next success

6.) Do a hair transplant

It is worth pointing out that this is an expensive route that involves some surgery procedures but it is
certainly worth a try. This option is a favorite one with celebrities and has gained some interest especially
after Manchester United's striker Wayne Rooney opted for it with positive results. Simply, the doctor takes the
hair from some other part of the body, say the back of the head and transplants it to the forehead or where
the hair is thinning out. Hair sheds a month or two after transplant but grows to normal after 6 months.

6.) Take some hair-producing medications

Some topical medications like minoxidil have been proven to rejuvenate and reverse hair-loss. Basically,
apply on the dry scalp where there is receding hairline twice daily. The downside is that hair-loss recurs once
the medication is stopped.

7.) Wear a cap or wig

A receding hairline may offer the best time to get out that baseball cap and cover up your head. Wigs are
also an option for both men and women and they also come in various styles for your tastes and preferences.
9.) Let it be

Well, while hair is surely important, life is not all about it. Let it be, keep a positive outlook and move on with
life swiftly. Live a confident, superb life and seek comfort from other people who have embraced having a
receding hairline.